
Global Bank Regulation- Principles and Policies




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底下是 Global Bank Regulation- Principles and Policies 的內容簡介

Its focus on the prudential, global regulation of financial institutions drives this books unique exploration of global policy principles.? Integrating theory, history, and policy debates, it provides a high-level, strategic treatment of the regulation of global banking.? With finely focused definitions and an intuitive scope, the authors pay particular attention to the international standards set by bodies such as the Basel Committe on Banking Supervision and the European Union. By beginning with the main justifications for the prudential regulation of banks and concluding in 2009, after regulators had proposed significant solutions to the crash, this lucid and engaging account of the principles, policies, and laws related to the regulation of international banking explains why and how governments work so hard on a convergence of rules and regulations.

Heidi Mandanis Schooner
Michael Taylor

  • 出版社:新陸書局

  • 出版日期:2010/06/01
  • 語言:英文

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網友在PTT貼出一張疑似是「上海某社區管理委員會的公告」,並表示「這幾天支國北京要開十九大以便包子皇帝(習近平)登基,這段時間中國歌舞昇平、一片祥和,也因此不管你遇到什麼事都別打110報警 如果一定要報警,請打別的電話」。


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